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HomeGrammarBoost Your English With Words to Improve Vocabulary | EnglishBhashi

Boost Your English With Words to Improve Vocabulary | EnglishBhashi

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Acquiring an extensive vocabulary in English is challenging; it demands persistence, focus, and time. The payoff, though, is substantial with words to improve vocabulary. Whether you’re applying for jobs or just trying to settle down in a place where English is the primary language, expanding your vocabulary will help you succeed.

You can always look for new words to add to your vocabulary because English is constantly developing. Academic success and career advancement are aided by expanding one’s command of the English language. 

???? Pro Tip: You can express yourself more clearly and grasp what other people are saying to you if you have a more extensive vocabulary.

Tips to Improve English Vocabulary

Read Regularly

Reading is an excellent method for learning any language, and expanding one’s vocabulary is no exception. Explore a wide range of literature, including works of fiction, non-fiction, journalism, and scholarly publications. Doing so will expose you to new styles and vocabulary.

It is difficult to find reading materials that are appropriate for language learners. However, there is a plethora of resources available to you English learners.

One of the most helpful tools for students of foreign languages is the use of graded readers. To make them more accessible to students in the target language, they are based on existing works of fiction or non-fiction. Plus, they’re available at all skill levels, so whether you’re just starting out or well on your way to mastery, graded readers will be invaluable.

Think first, look it up second

Put off looking up a new word in a dictionary until later. Consider and see if you can deduce its meaning from the surrounding text. Take a look at the preceding and following words. Take into consideration the preceding paragraphs and sentences. 

To what did they refer? Make a well-informed assumption about the meaning of the word using this information.

After that, verify your hypothesis with a dictionary. Indeed, looking up a word immediately is considerably more convenient. However, your brain is engaged when you guess from context. Look up the definition, pronunciation, and example sentences when you need to know it. If you want to go even farther into a topic, you can use a thesaurus to find terms that mean the same thing or something completely different.

words to improve vocabulary

Gain knowledge through real-life experiences

Remember that context is king. It alters the definition and usage of words. Acquiring a knowledge of terms in context aids in comprehending their proper usage. 

Take note of how words are used in sentences and in various contexts. Consider the parallels and dissimilarities. Reading, of course, will help you see words in their proper context. 

Review with spaced repetitions.

Reviewing words after progressively longer intervals is known as spaced repetition, and it’s a method for improving memory retention. Our memory is more likely to retain information that we view repeatedly and regularly. Think at it this way: after studying for an exam for a week, most people completely forget what they learned.

Vocabulary can be effectively memorized through spaced repetition. A possible implementation of this is shown here. One new word is learned on the first day.

You will have your first review of that word on Day 2. The seventh day is when you go over the word again. You would complete the third review on Day 16. The fourth is completed on Day 32.

Acquire a new vocabulary word every day

This is a straightforward method of expanding one’s vocabulary that is also easy to maintain. Every day, pick up a new word. That’s all. No big deal, right? But if you practice it daily, you’ll soon notice how it adds to your vocabulary. If you use spaced repetition with it, you’ll get bonus points.

Maintain a dictionary

Make a note of the new words you learn. It’s an easy and efficient method of recording new vocabulary. Hence, make note of unfamiliar terms along with their definitions, pronunciation, and sample phrases. Along with that, incorporate words that have contrasting and related meanings. To solidify what you’ve learned, check this journal often.

Put your new vocabulary to use

If you learn new words to improve vocabulary today, include it in your everyday speech, emails, and social media posts. Not only does this make the word easier to recall, but it also boosts your self-assurance when you use it.

words to improve vocabulary

Compose and submit

Finding it difficult to come up with ideas for practicing new words to improve vocabulary? Well, writing is one of the best ways to expand one’s vocabulary. Compose articles, maintain a diary, or even write creatively. When you learn new words, be careful to use them. Vocabulary learning is facilitated by writing exercises, according to the research.

Communicate and partner with others

A great approach to hear new words, phrases, expressions, and idioms as well as practice the ones you already know is to talk to other people. Therefore, speak English when you interact!

Using flashcards

For many years, people have relied on flashcards to expand their words to improve vocabulary. If you want to learn new words, flashcards are a great way to do so. Put them in your pocket and refer to them whenever you want. Additionally, digital flashcards commonly employ spaced-repetition techniques to aid in word memorisation.

Maximize the utilization of technologies

The vocabulary you acquire in an online course or different language learning apps will be recorded and saved automatically by the Vocabulary Trainer. You can revisit them whenever you like and even test your knowledge with quizzes. So that you can work on your weak spots, the Strengthen Vocabulary function zeroes down on terms you have previously gotten wrong.

Help other language learners by teaching them your new vocabulary

You learn more when you teach others. The reason being, that you have to give words more severe consideration to educate them. So, share what you’ve learnt with those close to you.

List of Words to Improve Vocabulary

Improving your English vocabulary is a crucial step in mastering the language. Below is a table of words that can help you enhance your vocabulary. Each words to improve vocabulary is accompanied by its meaning, an example sentence, and a synonym to aid your understanding.

WordMeaningExample SentenceSynonym
AdeptHighly skilled or proficientShe is adept at solving complex problems.Skilled
CandidHonest and straightforwardHis candid remarks won him the trust of his peers.Frank
EloquentFluent or persuasive in speaking/writingThe politician gave an eloquent speech on climate change.Articulate
FortuitousHappening by chance, often luckyIt was fortuitous that they met at the event.Accidental
GalvanizeTo shock or excite into actionThe news galvanized the team into working harder.Energize
HinderTo create difficulties or obstaclesTraffic can hinder your commute during rush hour.Impede
InsidiousProceeding in a gradual, subtle wayThe disease was insidious, spreading without any symptoms.Subtle
JuxtaposeTo place side by side for comparisonThe artist juxtaposed light and dark colors to create contrast.Compare
KeenHighly developed, sharpShe has a keen sense of observation.Acute
LucidClear and easy to understandThe professor provided a lucid explanation of the theory.Clear
MeticulousShowing great attention to detailThe artist’s meticulous approach made her work stand out.Thorough
NuanceA subtle difference or distinctionUnderstanding the nuances of language takes time.Subtlety
OstentatiousDesigned to impress or attract noticeThe mansion was decorated in an ostentatious manner.Showy
PlausibleSeeming reasonable or probableHer explanation seemed plausible, given the circumstances.Believable
QuintessentialRepresenting the most perfect exampleShe is the quintessential example of grace under pressure.Typical
ResilientAble to withstand or recover quicklyChildren are often more resilient than adults in adapting to new situations.Tough
ScrutinizeTo examine closely and thoroughlyThe detective scrutinized the evidence for clues.Inspect
TaciturnReserved or uncommunicative in speechThe taciturn man rarely spoke at meetings.Silent
UbiquitousPresent, appearing everywhereSmartphones have become ubiquitous in modern life.Omnipresent
VenerateTo regard with great respectThe community venerates its elders for their wisdom.Revere

Benefits of Improving Your Vocabulary

  • Having a larger vocabulary helps students do better in school

Regardless of your intended major, having a strong vocabulary for admission examinations would be best. Examiners typically assess language proficiency. Words to improve vocabulary is a crucial part of every language skill set. Raise the bar for your writing test by brushing up on uncommon English vocabulary. Your reading and comprehension abilities will also benefit from it. 

  • It helps understand more effective communication

How would you proceed with the conversation if you cannot comprehend a message? To do well on a test, you need to pay attention to what your teacher or coworker is saying to you. You will always need to be able to read and write. You will inevitably fall behind if you do not possess adequate understanding abilities. To test your knowledge, look for a list of strange English words online.

words to improve vocabulary
  • You have professional-level writing skills!

A polished, expert-level piece of writing is within reach. Get a decent vocabulary going, and you’ll be halfway there! When putting your ideas and thoughts on paper, picture the possibilities with a vast vocabulary of strange English words at your fingertips. Better expression is possible with their assistance. The readers will be quite impressed.

  • It’s a great way to break up the monotony of wordiness

You can get out of the rut of overused language with an extensive vocabulary. Don’t you get tired of describing every emotion with the exact words? I mean, why settle with the same old “fantastic” or “depressed” every time you feel joyful or sad when there are more nuanced and appropriate expressions? You may make your message more precise and exciting by choosing your words better.

  • You can become a great salesperson

It’s not meant to be taken at face value! Good sales abilities are necessary regardless of whether you want to make a living selling things; they are helpful even if you only need a dictionary of strange English terms. Strong sales abilities will help you influence people and get your way more often. You should strive to express yourself clearly and stand up for your beliefs. An extensive vocabulary is a prerequisite for this skill. 

  • It boosts your self-assurance to a whole new degree

Having strong communication skills is crucial for achieving success in any field. Practical communication skills support a healthy environment by eliminating misunderstandings, whether you’re talking about your job life or relationship. Your self-assurance grows as you gain command of your environment. Furthermore, your self-assurance is bolstered by these uncommon English terms!

Books to Improve English Vocabulary

The following novels are highly recommended for anybody seeking to enhance their English proficiency. It has many words to improve vocabulary. Specialists endorse these novels and provide the most valuable information for guidance. Commence the learning process by scrolling down your device slightly. Explore the most renowned and productive novels to enhance your English proficiency.

words to improve vocabulary

Ulysses by James Joyce

Intricately dense and captivating, it is widely regarded as an exemplary masterpiece and has been the focus of several discussions and analyses.

Several readers consider This book challenging, although specialists deem it one of the finest novels for enhancing English proficiency.

This work, ranked among the top 100, is enhanced with 30,030 unique words such as omphalos (denoting a central point), ineluctable (inevitable), and bedraggle (drenched). To optimize vocabulary acquisition from the novel, it is good to have a dictionary and a notebook readily available.

Moby Dick by Herman Melville

This novel is enhanced with English vocabulary, with almost 17,000 unique words utilized densely. Herman Melville employs distinctive vocabulary in nearly every line of the work.

Numerous unknown words exist to our daily language and must be comprehended within context. Like Ulysses, it is regarded as one of the most challenging novels ever, however, many experts recommend it as a tool for vocabulary enhancement.

The Old Man and the Sea by Ernest Hemingway

This tale is exemplary for enhancing English vocabulary, chronicling a fisherman’s quest to get a significant catch and the challenges he encounters throughout the journey.

The story has a direct style characterized by concise phrases, which is highly effective for vocabulary enhancement. Certain termes de vocabulaire particuliers utilisés dans ce roman incluent phosphorescent, bienveillant, gaffe, sonder, etc.

Memoirs of a Geisha by Arthur Golden

Exemplary language and an engaging narrative render this novel one of the finest for enhancing English proficiency.

The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas

This adventure tale by a French author explores themes of betrayal, anticipation, and retaliation, along with the consequences of these actions.

This tale, replete with terms such as gigantic, cosmopolite, and passionate, is among the finest for enhancing English proficiency.

A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens

An exceptionally endorsed novel for robust vocabulary enhancement. This remarkable novel has profoundly influenced numerous readers. This classic is imbued with vocabulary that enhances language comprehension more profoundly.

Animal Farm by George Orwell

Animal Farm is an allegory, a narrative form that employs imaginary characters to reference actual events. This narrative employs the account of Napoleon and Snowball’s farm seizure to illustrate the rise of Stalin and Lenin in Russia.

The author employs concise and lucid sentences that engage readers and ultimately enrich their daily vocabulary.

To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee

The book, launched in 1960 was an instant bestseller with critical acclaim worldwide. This artwork is enhanced with English vocabulary terms that benefit learners. Notable terms employed in this novel include malevolent, antagonize, chiffarobe, and assuaged.

Shogun by James Clavell

This 1200-page tome is regarded as an effective novel for vocabulary enhancement. The text is composed in excellent English, undoubtedly increasing the reader’s understanding of the language.

The Aubrey-Maturin series by Patrick O’Brian

This work is regarded as one of the finest for enhancing English proficiency due to its rich assortment of esoteric terminology. This novel exemplifies the acquisition of knowledge through engagement in an exhilarating narrative.

The Giver by Lois Lowry

A narrative constructed using concise sentences employing elementary syntax. An must read for English learners.

Books by William Shakespeare

William Shakespeare coined numerous words that are part of everyday vocabulary. Any work by this esteemed author can be regarded as a vocabulary resource.

The Pot of Gold by Plautus

This beautiful Roman comedy is an exemplary text for enhancing vocabulary.

The Wind in the Willows by Kenneth Grahame

This story set in the English countryside chronicles the adventures of the animals residing along the stream. The author employs accessible language that renders the text both engaging and advantageous for readers seeking to enhance their English vocabulary.

Fantastic Mr. Fox by Roald Dahl

This novel contains engaging dialogues that will assist the reader in enhancing their vocabulary while enjoying an entertaining narrative.

Surround Yourself with English

One of the most effective ways to improve your English vocabulary is to immerse yourself in the language as much as possible. Immersion goes beyond just studying textbooks or memorizing word lists; it involves surrounding yourself with English in your everyday life, making it a natural part of your routine. 

By consistently exposing yourself to English through various media like movies, podcasts, and music, you can accelerate your learning process, pick up new words in context, and gradually become more comfortable with the language.

This approach helps you learn new vocabulary and improves your overall language proficiency.

words to improve vocabulary

Creating an immersive environment means integrating English into your daily life in enjoyable and engaging ways. This can be done by consuming English-language media for words to improve vocabulary such as movies, TV shows, podcasts, and music. Each medium offers a unique opportunity to encounter new vocabulary and phrases in different contexts.

Movies and TV Shows: 

  • Watching movies and TV shows in English exposes you to natural language use, including slang, idioms, and various accents. It’s a fun way to learn because you’re absorbing the language while enjoying a story. 
  • Movies often provide visual cues that help you understand new words and phrases even if you don’t know them initially. 
  • For example, watching a romantic comedy might introduce you to phrases like “sweep someone off their feet,” while a crime thriller could teach you legal terms like “alibi” or “interrogate.” To get the most out of this, start by watching with subtitles in your native language, switch to English subtitles, and finally, try watching without subtitles. This gradual progression helps you associate the spoken language with the written words, reinforcing your vocabulary.


  • Podcasts are an excellent resource for simultaneously improving your listening skills and vocabulary. Countless podcasts are available on virtually any topic that interests you, from science and technology to history and entertainment. 
  • Listening to podcasts in English allows you to hear the language spoken naturally, with varied accents and vocabulary levels. The conversational style of many podcasts makes them ideal for learning colloquial expressions and new words in context. 
  • Additionally, because podcasts are audio-only, they force you to focus entirely on the spoken language, which can enhance your ability to pick up on nuances and new terms. You can listen to podcasts during your commute, exercise, or even do household chores, making it easy to fit English practice into your daily routine.


  • Music is another powerful tool for language immersion. Songs often use repetitive phrases and catchy melodies that make remembering new words and expressions easier. 
  • Moreover, music is deeply connected to culture, which can provide insights into how certain words are used in different contexts. Lyrics can be constructive for learning idiomatic expressions and everyday language that might not be covered in traditional study materials. 
  • To maximize the benefit of listening to English-language music, try to find the lyrics online and follow along as you listen. This helps you connect the spoken words with their written forms, reinforcing your understanding and retention of the vocabulary.

Active Listening

While surrounding yourself with English through various media is essential, passive exposure is not enough. Active listening is the key to truly benefiting from this immersion. Active listening involves paying close attention to what you hear, trying to understand the meaning of unfamiliar words based on the context, and then taking steps to remember and use those words later.


  • One effective strategy for active listening is to keep a notebook or a digital note app handy while you consume English media. Whenever you encounter a word or phrase you don’t know, jot it down along with the sentence it was used in. 
  • Later, look up the word’s meaning and try to understand how it fits into the context. Actively engaging with the language helps solidify new vocabulary in your memory.
words to improve vocabulary

Repetition and Usage: 

  • After noting down new words, try to use them in your sentences. Whether you write them down, say them out loud, or try to use them in conversations, new vocabulary helps transfer it from short-term to long-term memory. 
  • Repetition is crucial—revisit your notes regularly to review the new words and phrases you’ve learned.

Making English media a regular part of your day is essential to make the most of this immersive approach. Even if you can only spare 15 to 30 minutes, the consistency of daily exposure makes the difference. 

Set a goal to watch an episode of a TV show, listen to a podcast, or enjoy some music in English every day. By doing so, you’ll steadily build your vocabulary, improve your listening skills, and become more confident in your ability to understand and use English.

Learn a Word a Day

Learning a new word each day is a simple yet powerful method to improve your English vocabulary steadily. This approach might seem small in scale, but over time, it can significantly grow your language skills. Focusing on just one word daily gives you the space to fully understand its meaning, pronunciation, and usage, ensuring that it becomes a permanent part of your vocabulary.

Simple but Effective

The beauty of the “word a day” method lies in its simplicity and effectiveness. Learning one new word each day adds up quickly—by the end of a year, you will have added 365 new words to your vocabulary.

This gradual accumulation of knowledge is less overwhelming than learning large lists of words all at once, making it easier to retain what you’ve learned. Moreover, focusing on just one word allows you to explore it in depth. You can look into its various meanings, understand its nuances, and practice using it in different contexts, which is far more beneficial than surface-level memorization.

How to Choose Words

Choosing the right words is crucial for making the most out of this habit. Here are some tips to help you select useful and relevant words:

  • Word of the Day Apps: Some many apps and websites offer a “Word of the Day” feature, providing you with a new word daily, complete with definitions, pronunciations, and example sentences. Examples include Merriam-Webster’s Word of the Day, Oxford English Dictionary’s Word of the Day, and apps like These tools are great because they often introduce words that are not only interesting but also practical for everyday use.
  • Thematic Learning: Another effective strategy is to choose words based on a specific theme or area of interest. For instance, if you’re focusing on business English, you might select words related to finance, management, or marketing. If you’re interested in literature, you could pick words that are commonly used in classic novels or poetry. This thematic approach helps you build a more specialized vocabulary in areas that matter most.
  • Real-Life Relevance: Pay attention to words you come across daily that you don’t fully understand. Whether it’s from a book you’re reading, a conversation, or something you hear in the media, these words are immediately relevant to you and thus more likely to stick.

Daily Practice Tip

To make the “word a day” habit genuinely effective, it’s important to actively use the new word throughout the day. Here’s how:

  • Write it Down: Start by writing the word in a journal along with its definition, pronunciation, and an example sentence. This helps reinforce your understanding and gives you something to review later.
  • Use it in Context: Make a conscious effort to use the new word in a conversation, an email, or even in a social media post. The more you use it, the more natural it will feel.
  • Review Regularly: Review all the words you’ve learned at the end of each week or month. This repetition is key to moving new vocabulary from short-term to long-term memory.

By committing to learning and using one new word every day, you’ll find that your vocabulary grows steadily and significantly over time.

Final Words

The English language often lacks both rhyme and reason. It’s full of synonyms, homophones, homonyms, and other confusing words that seem to make it especially difficult to learn.

Luckily, you can use some skills to improve your English vocabulary as you did when learning your first language: reading, listening, writing, watching, and conversing.

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Frequently Asked Questions on Words to Improve Vocabulary

What are some effective methods to learn new English vocabulary?

Effective methods include reading diverse materials, using vocabulary apps, engaging in language exchange, and practicing with flashcards. Consistent exposure and active use of new words in writing and speaking can also reinforce learning.

How can I remember new vocabulary more effectively?

To remember new vocabulary, try associating words with images or mnemonic devices, using them in sentences, and reviewing them regularly. Techniques like spaced repetition and active recall can also help reinforce memory.

What are some common mistakes to avoid when expanding my vocabulary?

Common mistakes include focusing too much on memorization without context, neglecting pronunciation, and not practicing new words in real-life situations. It's important to integrate new vocabulary into daily use and ensure you understand their meanings and usage.

How can reading books improve my vocabulary?

Reading books exposes you to a wide range of words and phrases in context, helping you understand their meanings and usage. It also enhances your ability to recognize and use new vocabulary naturally in conversations and writing.

Are there any apps or tools that can help me improve my vocabulary?

Yes, several apps and tools can aid in vocabulary improvement. These tools often use interactive methods like flashcards and quizzes to make learning new words engaging and effective.